SCLC patients treated with and without prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) in palliative setting after systemic treatment with checkpoint inhibitors (CPI) – Data from the Clinical Research platform Into molecular testing, treatment and outcome of (non-) Small cell lung carcinoma Patients (CRISP; AIO-TRK-0315)

Reck M., Gauler T., Waller C.F., Fischer R., Christopoulos P., Bruch H.-R., Elender C., Ludwig P., Hipper A., Medinger T., Tech S., Binninger A., Jänicke M., Gleiber W., Hoknecht P., Sadjadian P., Griesinger F., Thomas M., Eberhardt W.E.E., Sebastian M.

Oncol Res Treat. 2023;46 (suppl. 5)(V46):7
