The focus is on the patient

The patient’s perspective and the recording of their quality of life play an important part in the assessment of oncology therapies. Patient-reported outcome data (PROs) are collected directly from patients via paper-based or electronic surveys. Linkage with clinical disease data provides the basis for valid statements on the relationship between treatment and quality of life, lifestyle and disease progression.

Since 2001, iOMEDICO has been conducting projects with PROs – in clinicals trials and in health care research projects. With their longstanding experience in a wide variety of questions, patient populations and study designs, our PRO experts support the projects from concept design to publication.

Patient surveys are coordinated by iOMEDICO SMO GmbH which sends out more than 15 000 questionnaires every year. The excellent response rates of 70 % – 90 %, even over the course of treatment, confirm the acceptance of the projects and the success of the logistical concept.


The patient self-reported documentation of the future

Via the PRO Patient Platform, paperless patient surveys can be conducted via tablet computers. The patient answers the questionnaire while in the waiting room, ensuring quality and saving time. PRO Patient is intuitive and easy to use for staff and patient alike.


  • Design of patient surveys
  • Selection of suitable, validated questionnaires
  • Development and validation of questionnaires for specific issues
  • Questionnaire management taking data protection laws into account
  • Analysis, description and interpretation
  • Publication