Research requires knowledge transfer. To promote direct exchange, we have initiated various event formats which complement the presentation of research results at conferences.
Following the motto Impulses for research and health care the focus of iOMEDICO events is on interdisciplinary exchange. All those involved in clinical research discuss the latest research results, therapy approaches and study concepts, and how to transfer practical experiences into solutions for everyday clinical practice and initiate cooperation projects. Each meeting is a special event, which supports the study group with plenty of opportunities for peer-to-peer exchange.
Since 2012, the scientific study symposium has been the annual event at which hematologists and oncologists engaged in studies meet representatives of study groups and the research-based pharmaceutical industry.
First-rate keynote lectures address the latest topics at the interface between research and treatment. The program offers numerous workshops on oncological indications, an oncological quartet and recently also a science slam.
More time for the patient – that is the motto of this symposium dedicated to optimizing processes and structures in oncological centers.
The focus is on lectures and workshops on the digitalization of medical technology, the possibilities of electronic data processing, and the organization of procedures and structures in practice and studies. This is a discussion which is important to have in order to meet the rising challenges in tomorrow’s patient care.
Every year in the fall, the latest analyses from the real world databases of our tumor registries and registry platforms are presented to accompany the DGHO congress.
Entity-specific data on diagnostics and treatment, biomarker profiles and patient-reported outcomes make an important contribution to improving patient care in the oncological routine.
Study meetings improve quality, patient recruitment and collaboration during study projects.
The latest scientific results and background information on the study concept, as well as comprehensive information on its conduct and status are discussed. A source of enrichment and focus for all involved.