
The publication of research results is a fundamental requirement for improving treatment concepts across the board. iOMEDICO supports the international guidelines on transparency and publication of medical research results.

We regularly present our data at national and international conferences. Our publications appear in scientifically renowned, international journals. Authors are principal investigators, investigators with a high number of participating patients, and iOMEDICO scientists.

Routine treatment of elderly patients with metastatic breast cancer: Data from the registry platform OPAL, data from the registry platform OPAL

Decker T., Zahn M.-O., Thill M., Welt A., Nusch A., Schröder J., Kasper C., Kaltenecker G., Engelken K., Strittmatter H-J., Jänicke M,. Ringwald K., Harbeck N., Stickeler E., Wöckel A., Marschner N., Gratzke K.; 2024


Indikation: Breast Cancer, Mammakarzinom / Veranstaltung: DGHO / Journal:
Real World Data on molecular testing and treatment patterns of patients with MSI-H or dMMR metastatic colorectal cancer – Results from the registry platform AZURITE

von der Heyde E., Dörfel S., Dechow T., Michl M., Schnell R., Kullmann F, Hof A., Wetzel N., Jänicke M., Graf N., Neumann J.H., Stintzing S., Potthoff K. 2024, Posternumber: P1116


Indikation: Colorectal Cancer, Kolorektalkarzinom / Veranstaltung: DGHO / Journal:
RUBIN: Prospective, intersectoral Real World cohort study for treatment and outcome of patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) in Germany

Marschner, P.; Nusch, A.; von der Heyde, E.; Dörfel, S.; Bürkle, D.; Neben, K.; Hamm, N.; Medinger, T.; Härzschel, A.; Dechow, T.; Tamm, I.; Claus, R.; Zeiser, R.; Jänicke, M., 2024, Annual Meeting DGHO, Poster-Nr. P463


Indikation: Lymphatic Neoplasia, Lymphatische Neoplasien, Multiple Myeloma, Multiples Myelom / Veranstaltung: DGHO / Journal:
IDHIRA: A prospective, multicenter, non-interventional study of ivosidenib in patients with IDH1 R132-mutated cholangiocarcinoma

Michl M, Hagemeyer N, Grebhardt S, Looss, M, Potthoff K, 2024, AbstractID: AS-DGHO-2024-00336 Posternumber: P1098


Indikation: Cholangiocarcinoma / Veranstaltung: DGHO / Journal:
Progression-free and overall survival of patients with SCLC and ECOG performance status 0-1 – Data from the Clinical Research platform Into molecular testing, treatment and outcome of (non-) Small cell lung carcinoma Patients (CRISP; AIO-TRK-0315)

Waller, C.F.; Fischer, R.; Reck, M.; Gauler, T.; Christopoulos, P., Bruch, H.-R. Grah, C.; Ludwig, P.; Hipper, A.; Medinger, T.; Tech, S.; Binninger, A.; Jänicke, M.; Elender, C.; Christoph, D.C.; Griesinger, F.; Thomas, M.; Eberhardt, W.E.E.; Sebastian, M., 2024, Annual Meeting DGHO, Poster-Nr. P448


Indikation: Lung Cancer, Lungenkarzinom / Veranstaltung: DGHO / Journal:
Tucatinib in patients with locally advanced or metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer who received at least two prior anti-HER2 treatment regimens: Study design of the non-interventional study TRACE in Germany and Austria

Arnd Nusch A, Angerer M, Kreiss-Sender J, Radosa J, Uleer C, Wrobel D, Balic M, Egle D, Harbeck N, Müller V, Schumacher-Wulf E, de Buhr R, Glasstetter M, Hanselmann J, Salb C, Marschner N, Gratzke K, Bartsch R, Welt A


Indikation: Breast Cancer, Mammakarzinom / Veranstaltung: DGHO / Journal:
Changes in survival of >3.800 patients with metastatic colorectal cancer in Germany: Results from 16-year prospective longitudinal real-world data analysis

Marschner N, Seufferlein T, Potthoff K, Zahn MO, Uhlig J, Dörfel S, Karcher A, Sauer A, Maintz C, Fruehauf S, Hutzschenreuter U, Tech S, Grafetstätter M, Kruggel L, Jänicke M.
ESMO Real World, Volume 4, Issue C, 2024.


Indikation: Colorectal Cancer, Kolorektalkarzinom / Veranstaltung: - / Journal: ESMO Real World
Ambulatory Routine Care in Oncology in Germany: Real-World Survival Data.

Marschner N, Knauf W.
Oncol Res Treat. 2024 Mar 15:1-11.
doi: 10.1159/000536652. Epub ahead of print.


Indikation: Other, Sonstige / Veranstaltung: - / Journal: Oncology Research and Treatment
Indikationsübergreifend, Registerübergreifend
Tucatinib in patients with locally advanced or metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer who received at least two prior ant-HER2 treatment regimens. Study Design of the non-interventional study TRACE in Germany and Austria.

A Nusch, M Angerer, M Welslau, C Uleer, J Radosa, D Wrobel, S Noeding, K Apel, J Terhaag, I Tamm, L Bauer, M Balic, D Egle, N Harbeck, V Müller, E Schumacher-Wulf, R de Buhr, M Glasstetter, J Hanselmann, C Hogrefe, N Marschner, K Gratzke, R Bartsch, A Welt.

Oncol Res Treat (2024) 47 (Suppl. 1): 7–283. Abstract 49, Seite 28


Indikation: Breast Cancer, Mammakarzinom / Veranstaltung: DKK / Journal: Oncology Research and Treatment
Palbociclib versus ribociclib in first-line treatment of patients with hormone-receptor positive HER2 negative advanced breast cancer – real world outcome data from the German registry platform OPAL

Thill M., Zahn M.-O., Welt A., Nusch A., Zaiss M., Engelken K., Kaltenecker G., Ringwald K., Gratzke K., Kruggel L., Jänicke M., Schulz H., Losem C., Hagen V., Fricker R., Stickeler E., Harbeck N., Wöckel A., Decker T.. PO1-04-12


Indikation: Breast Cancer, Mammakarzinom / Veranstaltung: SABCS / Journal: