The publication of research results is a fundamental requirement for improving treatment concepts across the board. iOMEDICO supports the international guidelines on transparency and publication of medical research results.
We regularly present our data at national and international conferences. Our publications appear in scientifically renowned, international journals. Authors are principal investigators, investigators with a high number of participating patients, and iOMEDICO scientists.
Hadji, P., Ziller, M., Kieback, D.G., Menschik, T., Kalder, M., Kuck, J., Hasenburg, A., 2009.
Breast 18, 159–164. doi:10.1016/j.breast.2009.03.003
Hadji, P., Ziller, M., Kieback, D.G., Dornoff, W., Tessen, H.W., Menschik, T., Kuck, J., Melchert, F., Hasenburg, A., 2009.
Ann Oncol 20, 1203–1209. doi:10.1093/annonc/mdn762
Freier, W., Schröder, J., Rauh, J., Harich, H.-D., Hartmann, H., 2009.
Onkologie 32 (suppl 4)(P197), 47. doi:10.1159/000242462
Freier, W., Stemmler, H.-J., Tessen, H.-W., Gitsch, G., Jonat, W., Bruger, W., Kettner, E., Tesch, H., Abenhardt, W., Heinemann, V., 2008.
Onkologie 31 (suppl 4)(P470), 164. doi:10.1159/000161588
van Nes, J., Voskuil, D., Putter, H., van Leeuwen, F., Junggeburt, J., Hille, E., de Haes, H., van de Velde, C., 2008.
Cancer Res 69(2 Supplement), 21. doi:10.1158/0008-5472.SABCS-21
Knauf, W.U., Lissitchkov, T., Aldaoud, A., Liberati, A., Loscertales, J., Herbrecht, R., Juliusson, G., Postner, G., Gercheva, L., Goranov, S., Becker, M., Hoeffken, K., Huguet, F., Foa, R., Merkle, K., Montillo, M., 2008.
Blood 112(11), 2091.
Jones, S.E., Seynaeve, C., Hasenburg, A., Rea, D., Vannetzel, J.M., Paridaens, R., Markopoulos, C., Hozumi, Y., Putter, H., Hille, E., Kieback, D.G., Asmar, L., Smeets, J., Urbanski, R., Bartlett, J., van de Velde and D Rea, C., 2008.
Cancer Res 69(2 Supplement), 15. doi:10.1158/0008-5472.SABCS-15
Hadji, P., Ziller, M., Kieback, D., Dornoff, W., Tessen, H., Kuck, J., Hasenburg, A., 2008.
Cancer Res 69(2 Supplement), 1143. doi:10.1158/0008-5472.SABCS-1143
Freier, W., Arnold, D., Otremba, B., Marschner, N., 2008.
Onkologie 31 (suppl 4)(P301), 109. doi:10.1159/000161574
Bartlett, J., Brookes, C., Billingham, L., Campell, F., Gnant, M., Hasenburg, A., Hille, E., Kay, C., Kieback, D., Markopoulos, C., Meershok-Klein Kranenberg, E., Mallon, E., Paridaens, R., Putter, H., Robson, T., Seynaeve, C., van de Velde and D Rea, C., 2008.
Cancer Res 69 (2 Supplement), 81. doi:10.1158/0008-5472.SABCS-81